How about a big hand for TUMHB's Associate Editor, C-H-C!
The resurrection of The UNH Men's Hockey Blog would not have happened without his extraordinary efforts and initiative to provide Wildcat Nation with a place to come read the latest and the greatest in happenings around our UNH Men's Hockey team - in an environment where people can feel comfortable commenting and discussing the team's trials, tribulations and triumphs.
On today's docket, check out the Boston Redsox's website at 2:00pm to catch the live-streaming news conference confirming the State School Showdown, the College Hockey Battle at Yawkey, the Fourway at Fenway, the Throwdown in Beantown, the... alright, I'm out... but C-H-C is in - that's right, live at the presser - so you can be sure that if there is anything newsworthy to come out of it we'll be sure to bring it to you here on The UNH Men's Hockey Blog!
Oh, and of course...
Go 'Cats!
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