For A Good Cause
He has written an article discussing the plight of Chic Kelly, a Warrior alum, who has been unable to get the NCAA to step up to the plate to financially assist him and any other student-athletes who have suffered debilitating injuries in the past.
You can read all the details at the above linked article from McMahon and the Eagle-Tribune - and please do. After you've read it please spread word of the issue and perhaps take a moment of your time to contact the NCAA. There are multiple options, but I would begin with an email to:
Catastrophic Athletics Injury Insurance Program
Juanita Sheely and/or
Joyce Collins
There is also Media Relations Director
Erik Christianson
If you're unsure of what to write, here is my effort:
My name is (TUMHBG) and I am a fan of the University of New Hampshire hockey team and well, just about any of my alma mater's sports teams, but today my concern is hockey.
It has come to my attention that there is a former college hockey player, Mr. Charles Kelly Jr. of Merrimack College, whom it seems is not being adequately assisted by your organization. Mr. Kelly was severely injured almost 20 years ago and has been debilitated since and has made multiple attempts to contact you but has not received a response.
It is my hope in contacting you that Mr. Kelly's situation addressed with all due seriousness and haste.
Thank you for your time.
To all other bloggers, please feel free to copy this post to your blog. Hopefully we, the college hockey community, can encourage the NCAA to do what is right.
Thanks for helping the cause be known!
Mike McMahon
The Eagle Tribune
I can only hope that it actually helps!
Good Luck, Chic!
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