Wildcat in the Wild
So. Nation. I'm in to report that there has been a Preston Callander sighting near campus in the town of Newmarket. I don't know what the motivation for the trip is - whether he's just back on this side of the big pond for a visit and the alumni game or if he's possibly moving back stateside. Preston has been with Wolfsburg EHC of the 2.GBun (Second Bundesliga - check the Wikipedia Entry for a good laugh - just read it in your best Deutsch, out loud, preferably with other people around for best effect) for the past two years and posted an excellent 20 goals and 25 assist in 51 games with the Grizzly Adams' this past season. Our Wildcat 'Sturmer' standing at a 'Grobe' of 183 cm and tilting the scales at a 'Gewicht' of 87kg was the team's fourth leading scorer. You can see a nice (but not updated!) stats page on the Wolfsburg site. My only question is, what is the thirteenth month!? Get with the program Germany! There is no thirteenth month! Preston was born on May 13th! Get it right! (Nation, you need not comment on this rant unless you're appreciating the 'Colbertness' of it. I call it Channeling Colbert. TRADEMARK! The UNH Hockey Blogger Guy July 10th, 2007!)
So, if you see a Wildcat in the wild, of the hockey persuasion, let me know. If I'm up to it I'll fire off a post.
This is Stephen Col... I mean Your UNH Men's Hockey Blogger Guy signing off!
Go 'Cats!
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