And The Beat Goes On!
Anyone who bothered to check the links will have readily noticed this but it seems the folks over at the Grand Rapids, Griffin Central, did not cross-reference my little salute to the first of April - check out the title-linked Griffin Central Message Boards. There is also the player page.
I want to repeat that the post titled "Regan and Radja Sign ATOs" was a harmless April Fools day nod to tradition.
Additionally all other posts published today were in fact REAL - unless I, myself, am being had. I'll be back when I can compose myself about Trevor's departure and total lack of humor to discuss fallout from this bombshell.
This just in. Just to be thorough I searched and turned up this Foster's article from the 29th.
All I can say until the smoke clears a little is...
Go 'Cats!
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